21 Apr Trapkins
The working title for this tune was originally “Napkins” which had no meaning other than the fact that there was a napkin lying around when I was looking for something to jot down name ideas. When nothing came to mind I name it “Napkins”. After discussing the situation with my drummer, Court Tatum, he suggested I name it “Trapkins”. So there you have it:-)
Elliot Holden
Posted at 19:15h, 21 AprilMy drummer came up with the name “Trapkins”. Originally I had a working title of “Napkins” which pretty much had no meaning other than the fact that there was a napkin lying around when I looked for something to jot a name idea on. When I was discussing the situation with my drummer, Court Tatum, he suggested I use the name “Trapkins”. And so there you have it.